Lifestyle Audit
Do an audit of your current habits to see if there's room for improvement.
There are 3 parts to this audit - Diet, Physical & Mental. Choose the answer to each question that is closest to your average habit.
Dietary habits
During an average week, which statement reflects you best:
a) I typically have a good idea of what food I'll eat for the week and will have the fridge stocked.
b) I typically have a full fridge but no plan.
c) I shop/order on a daily basis depending on what I'm in the mood for.
During an average week, how often do you eat fresh fruit and vegetables?
a) I typically consume daily.
b) I usually manage 3-6 times per week.
c) I usually manage 2 times per week or less.
During an average week, do you get a good mix of carbohydrates, protein and fat?
a) I typically have a good mix daily.
b) I usually manage balance 3-6 times per week.
c) I usually manage 2 times per week or less.

Dietary results
If you scored mostly a's in this section, then it sounds like you have a good balance in your diet.
If you scored mostly b's in this section, you need to improve your habits but try to meal plan in advance and take advantage of that full fridge!
If you scored mostly c's in this section, then you should try to consciously review your habits and improve them slightly.
The government guidelines suggest that our diets should be split 40-60% carbs, 20-30% fats, 15-30% protein. Carbohydrates are your body's primary source of energy and are what your body uses to keep going. Protein is essential for normal growth and repair of body tissue. Fats are vital for many things, including protection of organs, uptake of certain vitamins and insulation of nerves.
Tip: Select a day each week that you'll do your shopping for the week. Decide what meals you'll have throughout the week, including plenty of fresh produce and stock your fridge. Having a plan and food to hand when you're hungry will keep you eating balanced throughout the week.
To find out more about your body's energy consumption and how you can have a fully rounded diet, including all your favourite food and drinks, and still lose, gain or maintain your weight, check out the 'Make Your Diet Work' webinar.
Physical habits
During an average week, how many hours sleep do you get each night?
a) I typically get 8-10 hours sleep a night
b) I typically get 6-7 hours sleep a night
c) I typically get 3-5 hours sleep a night
How tired to you feel throughout the day?
a) I'm usually relatively energetic
b) I'm usually energetic with a slump at some point during the day
c) I'm usually quite tired all day

On average, how many hours per day are you seated in a stationary position (work and leisure time)?
a) 0-5 hours per day
b) 5-10 hours per day
c) 11+ hours per day
In an average week, what is the total time you spend on dedicated exercise that raises your heart rate?
a) 90+ minutes per week
b) Between 30 minutes and 90 minutes per week
c) Less than 30 minutes per week
In an average week, how often do you experience (non diagnosed) pain in your body?
a) Rarely
b) 3-5 days per week
c) Daily
Physical results
If you scored mostly a's in this section, then it sounds like you have good mobility and frequent movement patterns in your day.
If you scored mostly b's in this section, then you're doing well but more frequent movement could help improve flexibility and keep your muscles and joints lubricated to help avoid pain.
If you scored mostly c's in this section then you should try to consciously increase your daily activities to include more movement and avoid tightening up.
A more sedentary lifestyle reduces the energy used by our bodies which can cause us to gain weight putting extra pressure on our joints. It also causes key muscles to tighten which can lead to pain in the body. As an example, sitting for long periods of time can tighten the hip flexors which in turn pull on the pelvis causing lower back pain. It is recommended that we get 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week or 150 minutes of moderate intensity.
Tip: If you can't get out for purposeful exercise, try to include more movement during your every day activity. Every morning move all of your joints to keep them supple and break up long periods of not moving with some form of activity.
If you're unsure how to include more activity in your life or what you should or shouldn't do, please book a free consultation and we can discuss.
Mental habits
During an average week, how often do you take time out just for yourself?
a) Daily
b) 3-5 times per week
c) Never
During an average week, how many days do you feel happiness?
a) Daily
b) 3-5 days
c) Rarely
During an average week, how many times do you worry about things that may not happen?
a) Rarely
b) 3-5 days
c) Daily

Typically when you have a goal you want to achieve, how do you react?
a) Once I have a plan, I will continue with it until I reach my goal.
b) I will usually have a plan, implement it for a while but get bored or run out of steam.
c) Even if I find a plan, I never implement it.
Mental results
If you scored mostly a's in this section, then it sounds like you are pretty zen!
If you scored mostly b's in this section, you have a good balance in your life and some room for improvement.
If you scored mostly c's in this section, you should try to carve out some time to unwind and destress.
Throughout the course of a day, we'll experience many emotions but often focus on the ones that cause us stress or anxiety. This, in turn, can lead to a pattern of worry and an increase in cortisol production in the body. Likewise, when we have a goal we wish to achieve, we can find ourselves in patterns where we stop/start or don't start at all; this usually has less to do with lack of knowledge and more to do with perceived obstacles or lack of motivation. Both of these things can be fixed with some questioning.
Tip: Take 10-15 minutes each day to sit without distraction and observe how you feel. You don't need to engage with the feeling; just observe and acknowledge it. This form of meditation can reduce stress and anxiety levels and increase our focus.
If you struggle with any of the items listed in this section, there are many ways that I can help you, either through group courses or 1:1 sessions. Please book a free consultation and we can discuss what would work best for you and help you get unstuck!